Everyone is jumping on the video bandwagon…much to the dismay of some traditional photographers who have not been able to make the transition to video or don’t want to make a transition to video. It is not hard to convince the marketing powers that good imagery is powerful, but it does not have to be video. Yes, video is stealing the limelight with its pull for the masses that have a 3-second attention span, but there really is nothing like an awesome, well-composed photograph.
When I went through art school, video was not even an option….yes, we had tools to create animations and motion through frame-by-frame creation and it took all day! But we did learn the “art” of photography and composing a good shot — using film you did not have time to shoot and develop tons of film, so you had to plan your shots. The time was taken to really think about the feeling, mood, and purpose….a kind of creativity not found in much photography today. Now it is take it on your phone, and post it on Facebook as quickly as possible, regardless of whether it actually adds some value to the world.
So is good photography dead? I hope not. Schools still teach the “art” of photography and good composition, lighting and purpose. Professionals, although most have made the shift to digital are still focused on the value they bring as pros, that search for a visual story that allows them to make a living.
One of my favorite photographers, William Albert Allard, (http://www.williamalbertallard.com/index.php ) has contributed to National Geographic for over 40 years. His unique imagery from all over the world tells a story, but also lets you make up one of your own. He says “Many of the pictures were not really taken, they were given. The subjects trusted me. They projected something of themselves to me, and it became my privilege and pleasure to receive that something.”
Thankfully we still have photographers that strive to capture an essence that is not easily found in the instantaneous posting of images or phone video – many which would be better not shared with the world.