With many feral cats in the area, it was only a matter of time before we “adopted” some. When we moved in to the studio years ago, there were cats in the neighborhood and over the years different ones have come and gone.
We currently have only one (Slinky) of the batch of six that we feed regularly. Due to the recent development of much of the vacant land in Moffett Park, the feral cat population has been displaced and dwindled. Most of the cats here have been trapped and fixed (you can tell by the notch out of their ears) which has contributed to the contracting population, but we love the one who is left.
Please respect her space as this is her home and she has many stresses living in a business park with traffic and unfamiliar people and no comfortable “forever” home.

This is Slinky because she is shorter and kind of “slinks” around. She is our polydactyly cat with extra toes on her front feet. She is a super sweet cat that loves to have her head scratched.

Boo was an indoor/outdoor cat and you could often ee him in the studio. He liked to be around people. UPDATE: Boo is no longer with us. His old age and illness got the better of him. We miss him a lot!

These were likely the oldest pair with a seemingly Maine Coon heritage. Brother and sister they often stayed close. The one with the white face was mostly blind due to Glaucoma. UPDATE: Both of these siblings passed away within 6 months of each other.

Peanut liked to curl up in unusual spots. He had beautiful tiger markings.